Thursday, October 22, 2009

Naked Notes 9: I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

Been accepted into the corp for the 30 day trial membership :)  Now a proud (hopefully-) member of Sturmgrenadier. Working my way through all the security clearances now, background checks, DNA filings, booster tests, anal probing, etc., and then hopefully will get to start working.

In addition, LOTRO and WoW both have their Halloween events going on, prepping my den for painting, Mythbusters/Dirty Jobs/Dexter all in new seasons, and RL work is hopping busy.

I have never understood people who can claim to be bored....


  1. Only boring people get bored, I say. Grats on getting in a corp, too.

  2. Absolutely agree.

    And I'm having to read up on more stuff now for the corp than I ever had to do in school :) Much more enjoyable, though
